To Whom it May Concern Certificate for the Categories (A, B, C, and D) for Individuals and the Category (E) for Corporations

Service Description

  • This service allows citizens and corporations registered as claimers in the Public Authority for Assessment of Compensation for Damages Resulting from Iraqi Aggression (PAAC) to issue To Whom It May Concern certificate. This certificate includes the details of the claim and the claimer or the amounts determined and the dates of amount withdrawal determined by the United Nations Compensation Commission . Claim categories: •Category (A): Claims of individuals for the departure from Kuwait or Iraq . •Category (B): Claims of individuals for compensation for serious personal injuries or death . •Category (C): Claims of individuals for compensation for losses that do not exceed (100.000) US dollars . •Category (D): Claims of individuals for compensation for losses that exceed (100.000) US dollars . •Category (E): Claims for losses by the corporation and oil sectors .

Eligibility or Criteria

  • The individual applicants must sign the Details Updating Application Form in person
  • The signature authorization for the corporation authorized signatory must be submitted

Required Documents

  • Civil details for the individuals or a valid power of attorney
  • Corporation's Articles of Incorporation and Amendments thereof
  • Letter of attorney from the corporation or a power of attorney for the authorized person and his civil ID


Visit the Claim Department of the Public Authority for Assessment of Compensation for Damages Resulting from Iraqi Aggression
In case the applicant is an individual, he or a representative with a valid power of attorney must attend in person. In case the applicant is a corporation, the authorized signatory in person or a representative with a valid power of attorney from the corporation must attend the procedures.
Fill the service application form
Pay the fees due


(0) KD Variable Fees
(2) KD Fixed Fees: For the Categories (A), (B) and (C)
(5) KD Fixed Fees: For the Categories (D) and (E)

Downloadable Forms

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