Replacing a Foreign Birth Certificate with a Kuwaiti Birth Certificate

Service Description

  • This service allows citizens to issue Kuwaiti birth certificates.

Eligibility or Criteria

  • The applicant must not hold any nationality other than the Kuwaiti one.

Required Documents

  • Letter from the General Department of Citizenship and Travel Documents and a copy
  • Child's travel document sealed with entry stamp and a copy
  • Original marriage contract and a copy
  • Father's original civil ID, nationality certificate, and a copy of each
  • Wife's original civil ID, nationality certificate, and a copy of each, if she is a Kuwaiti citizen
  • Wife's original civil ID, passport, and a copy of each, if she is a non-Kuwaiti citizen
  • Child's birth certificate, provided that it must be attested from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a copy
  • National ID (family card), in case the wife is a Saudi citizen, and a copy


Visit the Central Record for Birth and Death Department of the Ministry of Health and submit the required documents.


(0) KD Variable Fees
(0) KD Fixed Fees

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