Company registration for the ozone system

Register New Company

Company Details

Company Name (Arabic) *
Company Name (English) *
Phone *
Address *
Commercial Registration Number *

Company Users Details

Main User Details

Name (Arabic) *
Name (English) *
Civil ID *
Civil ID Copy * Allowed file types are .doc,.docx, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .jpeg and the maximum allowed file size is 4 MB
Designation *
Mobile *
Email *
Phone *
User name *
Password *
Confirm Password *

Name (Arabic) *
Name (English) *
Civil ID *
Civil ID Copy * Allowed file types are .doc,.docx, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .jpeg and the maximum allowed file size is 4 MB
Designation *
Mobile *
Email *
Phone *
User name *
Password *
Confirm Password *

Company Registration Documents