Applying for Importing Machines and Equipment for an Industrial Establishment or for a Small-Scale Industry and Issuing a Certificate of Exemption from Customs Duties

Service Description

  • This service allows the business sector (already established factories) to import machines and equipment and have them exempted from customs duties, with the aim of: •Expanding production •Replacing consumed machines •Helping in production

Eligibility or Criteria

  • The applicant must pay the fees due estimated by (20) K.D
  • The new or used machines to be imported must meet the approved terms and conditions
  • The industrial license must be valid
  • The machines and equipment must be relevant to the production plan
  • The production capacity of the new equipment and the actual capacity must not exceed 125 % of the licensed capacity

Required Documents

  • Catalogs, bills and price lists of the required machines and equipment
  • Latest lease receipt for the parcel of the Public Authority for Industry
  • Certificate of the national employment percentage
  • Copy of the industrial license
  • Applicant's signature authorization


Fill the service application form attached below
Visit the Integrated Services Center of the Public Authority for Industry and submit the required documents. The receptionist checks the documents required with the application form. The Customer Service Center Manager transfers the request to the engineer in charge. Then, the engineer examines the request. In case a mistake is found in the entered data of the form, the engineer amends the original form. After applying all the required amendments, the engineer enters the amended request on the current system. The engineer determines the request number from the current system, then he writes it on the original form for easy reference, when needed. In case the request receives approval, the engineer in charge prepares a memorandum to be reviewed by the Customer Service Center Manager, then, approved by the Integrated Services Center Manager
Check the Integrated Services Center for the request status. In case the request is approved, you will obtain an approval certificate. The original request will be retained in the client's file at the Archives Section for easy reference, when needed


(0) KD Variable Fees
 (20) KD Fixed Fees

Downloadable Forms

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